What Should I Expect During My First Pelvic Floor Therapy Session?

Embarking on your first pelvic floor therapy session can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially if you’re unsure of what to expect. Pelvic floor therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy designed to address a range of pelvic health issues, from incontinence and pelvic pain to pregnancy-related concerns.

In this article, we’ll walk you through what you should anticipate during your inaugural pelvic floor therapy session, demystifying the process and helping you feel more confident about seeking the care you need.

Initial Evaluation

The initial evaluation is crucial to your first pelvic floor therapy session. It serves as the foundation for your entire treatment journey. During this phase, you’ll talk candidly with your therapist about your medical history, symptoms, and specific concerns. This open and honest dialogue helps your therapist comprehensively understand your condition and tailor the treatment plan to your needs.

The initial evaluation also includes a physical assessment of your pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures, which may involve external and internal examinations, depending on your condition. While this assessment may seem intimidating, it is conducted professionally, sensitively, and carefully. Ultimately, the initial evaluation lays the groundwork for your therapy, ensuring that it is personalized and effective in addressing your pelvic health concerns.

Privacy and Comfort

Privacy and comfort are paramount during pelvic floor therapy sessions. Your therapist understands the sensitive nature of the issues being addressed and creates an environment where you can feel secure and at ease. These sessions are conducted privately and respectfully, and you’ll have the opportunity to voice any concerns or discomfort.

Your therapist will always prioritize your dignity and emotional well-being throughout the session, ensuring that you have the necessary support and space to discuss your pelvic health concerns openly and honestly. The emphasis on privacy and comfort fosters trust and confidence in the therapeutic relationship, allowing you to focus on improving pelvic health with peace of mind.

Physical Assessment

The physical assessment is pivotal to pelvic floor therapy, particularly during your first session. It involves a comprehensive examination of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures. Your therapist will use their expertise to evaluate muscle tone, flexibility, and any areas of tension or dysfunction. Depending on your condition and symptoms, This assessment may include external observation and internal examinations.

While internal examinations might seem daunting, it’s important to note that they are conducted with the utmost professionalism, sensitivity, and respect for your comfort and privacy and performed only as the therapist and patient see fit. The physical assessment provides valuable insights into your pelvic health and is a foundation for developing a personalized treatment plan to effectively address your specific needs and goals.


Education is a fundamental aspect of your first pelvic floor therapy session. Your therapist will take the time to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the pelvic floor, its anatomy, and its crucial role in your overall health. This educational component helps demystify any conditions or symptoms you may be experiencing and empowers you with knowledge about your body.

You’ll learn about the potential causes of your pelvic health issues, how therapy can address them, and the importance of pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle modifications in promoting recovery and prevention. This education equips you with the tools to participate in your therapy actively, make informed decisions, and take charge of your pelvic health journey confidently and clearly.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is a pivotal aspect of your first pelvic floor therapy session. Collaboratively, with your therapist, you’ll establish clear and achievable goals that serve as the guiding force for your treatment plan. These goals are directly aligned with addressing your specific pelvic health concerns, whether they involve managing pain, improving muscle strength and coordination, alleviating incontinence, or enhancing overall well-being.

Goal setting not only provides a sense of direction but also allows for the tracking of progress throughout your therapy journey. It ensures that the therapy sessions are tailored to your unique needs and provides a tangible framework against which to measure success. By setting these goals, you become an integral part of the decision-making process, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation to work towards your desired outcomes.

Hands-On Therapy

Hands-on therapy is a crucial component of pelvic floor therapy and may be initiated during your first session. Depending on your condition and symptoms, your therapist may employ various manual techniques to address muscle tension, pain, or dysfunction in the pelvic area. These techniques can include gentle external and internal manipulations, myofascial release, and biofeedback.

While it’s natural to have some apprehensions about this aspect of therapy, it’s important to note that hands-on therapy is conducted with the utmost professionalism, sensitivity, and respect for your comfort and boundaries. Hands-on treatment aims to relieve muscle tension, enhance muscle function, and promote relaxation, all of which are vital for your pelvic health and overall well-being. Your therapist will guide you through each step, ensuring you are comfortable and informed.

Home Exercises

Home exercises are an integral part of your pelvic floor therapy journey. After your initial session, your therapist will provide exercises and strategies tailored to your needs and goals. These exercises are designed to complement your in-clinic therapy and promote continuous progress.

Consistency in performing these exercises is critical to achieving the desired outcomes, whether it’s improving muscle strength, managing pain, or enhancing overall pelvic health. Your therapist will guide you on the proper technique and frequency for these exercises, empowering you to take an active role in your pelvic health and foster independence in managing your condition. By incorporating home exercises into your routine, you’ll contribute significantly to your recovery and well-being.

Follow-Up Plan

Establishing a follow-up plan is crucial in your first pelvic floor therapy session. Before concluding, your therapist will discuss the frequency and duration of your future therapy sessions based on your individual goals and needs. This follow-up plan serves as a roadmap for your pelvic health journey, ensuring a structured and consistent approach to your therapy.

Regular check-ins with your therapist allow for progress assessments, adjustments to your treatment plan as needed, and the opportunity to address any new concerns or questions. It’s essential in achieving your pelvic health goals and maintaining your overall well-being, providing ongoing support and guidance throughout your therapy process.

Key Takeaways

Your first pelvic floor therapy session is vital to improving your pelvic health and overall well-being. While it may seem daunting initially, your therapist will guide and support you.

By knowing what to expect and actively participating in your therapy, you can take charge of your pelvic health and embark on a journey to better physical comfort and confidence. Remember that every individual’s experience is unique, and your therapist will adapt the session to your specific needs and goals, making your journey to pelvic health personalized and effective.