Postpartum Belly Binding for Support and Recovery

The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is nothing short of incredible, but it also places a tremendous amount of strain on a woman’s body. 

Belly binding is a traditional practice that has gained popularity in recent years to help support postpartum recovery. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of postpartum belly binding, including its benefits, potential drawbacks, and how to use a belly binder properly.

What is Postpartum Belly Binding?

Postpartum belly binding is a traditional practice in which a woman wraps a long, stretchy cloth or binder around her abdomen after giving birth. This method has been used in various cultures around the world for centuries, including in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 

The primary purpose of belly binding is to provide physical support to the abdominal muscles and organs as they heal and return to their pre-pregnancy state.

The Benefits of Belly Binding

Several potential benefits associated with postpartum belly binding include abdominal support, improved posture, reduced swelling and fluid retention, and increased comfort.

Abdominal Support

After giving birth, a woman’s abdominal muscles may be weak and stretched. Belly binding can provide much-needed support to these muscles as they begin to heal and regain their strength.

Improved Posture

Belly binding can help support proper posture by providing additional support to the lower back and abdominal muscles. This can be particularly helpful during activities that require bending or lifting, such as caring for a newborn.

Reduced Swelling and Fluid Retention

Some women may experience swelling and fluid retention in their abdominal area after giving birth. Belly binding can help to apply gentle pressure to the abdomen, which may encourage the body to release excess fluids and reduce swelling.

Increased Comfort and Confidence

Many women report feeling more comfortable and confident while wearing a belly binder, as it can help to provide a sense of stability and support during the postpartum recovery process.

Potential Drawbacks of Belly Binding

While there are several potential benefits associated with belly binding, it’s important to be aware of some potential drawbacks as well:

Too Tight or Restrictive

Wearing a belly binder that is too tight or restrictive can cause discomfort and even interfere with proper healing. It may also limit the ever important intra abdominal pressure that could lead to pressure in the pelvic floor and/or reflux. It’s crucial to choose a belly binder that fits comfortably and allows for adequate circulation and movement.

Incorrect Use

Using a belly binder incorrectly can lead to discomfort and may not provide the intended benefits. It’s important to follow proper techniques and guidelines for belly binding to ensure a comfortable and effective experience.

Over-reliance on Belly Binding

While belly binding can provide valuable support during the postpartum recovery process, it should not be used as a substitute for proper exercise and rehabilitation. Appropriate postpartum exercises can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and support long-term recovery.

How to Choose the Right Belly Binder

When selecting a belly binder, there are several factors to consider, including material, size and adjustability, support level, and ease of use.


Choose a belly binder made from a soft, breathable, and stretchy fabric that will be comfortable against your skin. Cotton and bamboo blends are popular choices due to their breathability and comfort.

Size and Adjustability

Choosing a belly binder that fits comfortably and can be easily adjusted as your body changes throughout the postpartum recovery process is essential. Look for binders that offer multiple sizing options or adjustable closures, such as Velcro or ties, to ensure a comfortable fit.

Support Level

Belly binders come in various levels of support, from gentle compression to more robust support. Consider your individual needs and preferences when selecting the appropriate level of support.

Ease of Use

Some belly binders can be challenging to put on and take off, particularly when you’re caring for a newborn. Look for binders that are easy to use and can be put on and adjusted without assistance.

Proper Use and Techniques for Belly Binding

To ensure that you are using your belly binder correctly and safely, follow these guidelines:

Consult Your Healthcare Provider

Before starting any postpartum recovery method, including belly binding, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that it’s safe and appropriate for your specific needs.

Start from the Bottom

Begin wrapping the belly binder around the lower part of your abdomen, just above your pubic bone. This will help to provide support to the lower abdominal muscles and pelvic organs.

Wrap Firmly but Comfortably

The belly binder should be wrapped snugly enough to provide support without being too tight or restrictive. Ensure that you can breathe comfortably and move freely while wearing the binder.

Overlap Layers

As you wrap the binder around your abdomen, make sure to overlap the layers to provide consistent support throughout. This will also help to keep the binder in place throughout the day.

Re-adjust as Needed

It’s normal for your belly binder to shift or loosen throughout the day. Be sure to re-adjust the fit as needed to maintain proper support and comfort.

When to Start and How Long to Wear a Belly Binder

The ideal time to start using a belly binder will vary depending on individual factors and the type of birth you experienced. In general, it’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours after giving birth to begin using a belly binder. 

However, if you’ve had a C-section or experienced any complications during childbirth, consult with your healthcare provider before using a belly binder.

As for how long to wear a belly binder, it will depend on your personal comfort and recovery progress. It’s essential to listen to your body and discontinue use if you experience any discomfort or pain.

Key Takeaways

Postpartum belly binding can be a helpful tool in supporting your body as it heals and recovers from the physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth. 

By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks of belly binding, choosing the right belly binder, and following proper use techniques, you can support your postpartum recovery journey effectively and comfortably.

For more information on belly binding and other helpful techniques, reach out to me today!